Constitution Day

søndag 16. mai 2010

Well, tomorrow is the big day as many calls it. It’s the Norwegian Constitution Day, also known as the National Day. There will be a lot of parades, marching in the streets and so on. In other words, it’s the day when you are supposed to be happy and just celebrate. I’ve always loved this day, and I have always enjoyed walking in the school parade. But this year, I have changed my mind. This is the last time I can do it because I graduate next month. It’s like a golden chance, but I won’t do it. I will stay with my grandparents and just watch. Smile and wave does always help, right?


But I guess somebody would ask why? I am sure some of you know that I’ve been struggling with different things like school and social things. So I don’t want go in the parade because of that. I want to stay with my grandparents simply because there I will feel safe. I won’t be afraid of being disappointed and as far as I know, nobody will criticize me.


Things are not going very well now, and I just want to get away from school “friends”. I want to have a nice day without tears. That is all I’m asking for. As I mentioned, the girls at school does often have something to say. It’s not always nice things. I won’t go into more details because I’ve told this before. Either they have something bad to say about Christianity, or they don’t care about you, or they forget you, or they say bad things behind your back or something else. I’m so tired of this. I know it will end when I graduate but five weeks seems like such a long time. But this day, I will try to focus and family and just eat ice cream. I’m trying to look at the bright side, but it’s just so hard…


I never really thought I would compare myself to Lucy or Jill in any way. You all know when Lucy was spying on her friend and how bad it ended? I’m afraid to say that I’ve been there. Sometimes the curiosity can make you do things you wouldn’t do. Let me say, it ended badly. And the part where Jill was crying behind the gym? Trust me; I’ve done that as well. It’s such a hurting experience and I believe I know a bit how Jill had it. And I think that is the reason why she has grown so much for me. I just wish I was able to grow like she did.


And I want to say one thing more. Bible verse of the day. Zephaniah 3:17The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” I try to trust Him and I truly love Him. He must know what He is doing.


So there you have it. I don’t have very much more to say other than I hope you all will have a wonderful week and thank you all for being there for me. I am so thankful and God bless you all. ^.^

(And a little side note. I still don't figure out how to get paragraphs. >.<)

3 Quips and Anecdotes:

Anonym sa...

Girls can be so cruel, can't they? It makes me indignant to think of how some of them treat you, Lucy, when you have such a sweet and gentle spirit. Thoughtless words can cut deeper than people tend to think.

I know you know this, but it is always an encouraging reminder: You are a beloved daughter of the King of Kings. At church yesterday, our pastor made this small analogy at the end - right now, Christians are like the Cinderellas of this world; we're surrounded by the stepsisters, who can be cruel and taunting. But take heart, because you know the Prince is coming.

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4

Have a wonderful National Day! Even if you aren't marching in the parade, I hope you'll enjoy the holiday nonetheless. Love you!

Marthe sa...

First of all, thank you so much Dana for the comment! ^.^

I think you have a very good point there. It does sometimes seem like girls are meaner when it comes to words. And yes, it does hurt a lot. And thank you for what you said. *snugs*

I must say that it was a very good analogy. He does have a point because I don’t think I am alone. Often, it feels like that though. That is perhaps one of the main reasons why I want to be homeschooled. And I just need to ask. Do you think that the Prince might be Jesus? And thank you so much for the Bible verse. It was beautiful and it did actually help. ^.^

I want you to know how encouraging you are and how much it means to me. It’s wonderful to have people who are there when you need it the most and I want to say thank you so much dear! Love you too! ^.^

Anonym sa...

Aw, of course! And I'd recommend reading the Book of James if haven't; the first chapter or so deals with facing trials. It is a real encouragement. And dear, you should know your own sweet spirit is very uplifting to me, too.

Oh, and yes! The Prince is meant to be Jesus. Our pastor was referring to His Second Coming in the analogy, when He shall return and renew creation and make all things right. It'll be a Glorious Day, when tears are no more and we shall live and reign forever with Christ. Often, the trials shift our perspective to rightly look forward to eternity rather than becoming to caught up in the temporary things. And that's where our Hope lies. No matter how bad things get now.

Much love, and take care!

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