The Lamb and Lion

mandag 10. mai 2010

I must admit that I never thought that this day would come. I’ve always said that I wouldn’t get a blog because I wouldn’t have anything to write. And who would read it? And why was I supposed to have one? All this thought have swirled around in my head for a long time now. I’ve been so sure that I wouldn’t get a blog.


But look, it seems like things will change. I actually got a blog and now I’m writing something for it. I must admit that I was pretty surprised. I think that this blog will somehow be like a dairy, bit still so different. It might be mentioned things that have happened, but it will also be about thoughts. I can’t say anything exactly how it will be, and I have no idea if I will write much. Time will show.


But when I’m first writing here, people might ask questions. Why am I not writing Norwegian when I’m from Norway and that’s my first language? Well, I don’t know. It’s somehow easier to write things in English even though my grammar is pretty bad. It gives you challenges and I simply enjoy it. I must also admit that this is a language pretty much everybody knows.


Also, people may ask about the blog title. Why? I think the reason is pretty obvious. I’m a Christian girl who loves Jesus and God. I don’t think it needs to be said more really. He was and still is, innocent as a lamb but powerful as a lion. He will be in my heart, and I know I love him. So after all, maybe this will be a blog about my faith? Or perhaps it will be about what’s going on right now? I can’t say anything yet, but as I’ve said before, time will show.

3 Quips and Anecdotes:

Jenny Freitag sa...

Hallo! It's going to be hard calling you Lucy instead of Queen, but I'll manage. I'm glad you're writing in English, so I can follow. I look forward to reading your insights. You're extremely smart and sweet.

I love the image and title of your blog. Great work!

Nonexistant anymore sa...

Hi Lucy!

I actually did have a comment, but then Jenny said everything I was going to, so I'll just echo her.

This might sound strange, but I actually love your little (very minor) mistakes in English. It's kind of like hearing someone talk with a nice accent. :)

This is Heroine of Chivalry from TLC, by the way.

Anonym sa...

Hi Lucy! Heh, I asked for your blog on TLC, but I just realized you were following me already. Thanks. :-) I look forward to reading your posts; and I too am glad you've decided to write in English. You're really quite good at it, and despite some minor errors, your thoughtful and sweet spirit easily comes through.

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