Please pray?

onsdag 7. juli 2010

At the moment while I write this, I don’t really know what I’m thinking. It’s just that I can’t stop crying… Everything feels horrible. I don’t have much to say other than just please pray. I should have put it in the form, but I don’t manage. There is so much and I’m… I can’t really explain. Please pray. I need it so badly at the moment.

2 Quips and Anecdotes:

Anonym sa...

Lucy, I am praying for you. I wish I could be there with you, but the power of prayer has a strength beyond our often small reckoning; besides, Christ is a far greater Comforter than I, and He is with you always. I find dwelling on the almighty attributes of God and His work at the cross lifts my spirits greatly. Meditate on His Word and spend time with Him in prayer. Though I do not know what trial you are going through now, I do know it is not too great for our sovereign God.

Love in Christ,

Lilly sa...

I don't know if this is recent or not, but I shall pray, am praying. *Queenhugs*

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