Motor skills

fredag 2. juli 2010

I know that this title might sound like the weirdest title ever written. I confess that it might sound very weird, but I went to the Lady a few days ago and there was a doctor there. We talked about different things and one of the things the doctor mentioned was motor skills. I almost laughed outright, but she said something more that I never had thought about. Her statement was that if we had bad motor skills, we could get problems during our day.

You have three different types: Gross motor skills, Fine motor skills and Ambidexterity. Of course, I’m not a doctor so I don’t know much about this. From what I understand, they are written after how important they are. Of course, all of them are important but the gross motor skills are something we really couldn’t have done without. Sitting up, balancing, crawling, and walking are things we all know how to do, but we might not be so good at it.

Myself, I’ve never been good at things like that. That’s why the doctor wanted to take a test with me. After all, maybe the affect me in the normal life and makes me have problems with some things. Let’s take sports. I’m the one to be chosen at last because I’m horrible in sport. Maybe people don’t want to be mean, but it happens and you get very affected by this. You think that others don’t like you and such. But maybe it is a real reason to be chosen at last?

My fine motor skills are even worse. (I know I need glasses because I have big problems with my eyes.) I don’t manage to keep my eyes at a certain point the whole time, I don’t really manage to throw a ball, I can’t draw and I don’t like my handwriting. The doctor said then that things like this might keep me away from things. A bit because I’m not good at it, and a bit because I don’t know if I’m good at it. Then I rather stay away. So maybe things like this can make problems in our daily life? The doctor thought so, but what does other think?

So if my motor skills become better, can some social things get better? It’s worth to try to see how they are at least. The test is not very big, and it sounds rather fun. Sometimes, maybe our skills are more important than what we think, but not always! Remember that. So I’m giving this a try, and we’ll see where I end up.

2 Quips and Anecdotes:

Jenny Freitag sa...

I think the Lady is probably right. I am sure that the more you practice your motor skills and the more you refine things like walking, handling objects, and just being aware of your surroundings as you move through them, the more confident you will become, and the easier life will be.

So, I think that is good advice on the Lady's part.

Abigail Hartman sa...

First of all, I think your handwriting is LOVELY. It's so straight and curly and uniform. Have you seen mine? It goes all wibbly-wobbly.

Secondly, I agree with Jenny: practice doesn't always make perfect, but it certainly does help you to improve. I think it's a good suggestion.

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